Bottega Veneta, meaning "Venetian shop," is a prestigious fashion brand established in 1966 by Michele Taddei and Renzo Zengiaro. Renowned for its exquisite leather goods, the brand pioneered its distinctive weaving technique, known as "intrecciato," which intricately braids the leather in a unique pattern. This signature style became synonymous with Bottega Veneta. In its early years, the brand gained acclaim for its impeccably crafted designs, premium materials, and understated, logo-free aesthetic. Co-founder Renzo Zengiaro departed Bottega Veneta in the late 1970s, followed by Michele Taddei a few years later. Ownership transitioned to Taddei's former wife, Laura Moltedo, and her husband Vittorio, who relocated from the United States to Italy to assume control of the company.
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